2013년 3월 19일 화요일

Chungnyeolsa Shrine in Busan

Chungnyeolsa Shrine in Busan enshrines the spirits of the patriotic forefathers who fell while fighting the Japanese invaders during the 1592 Japanese Invasion.
The beginning of the Chungnyeolsa is as follows : The Songgongsa was built on Nongju mountain to enshrine the Dongnae Magistrate, Song Sang Hyeon, by Magistrate, Yun Hwon in 1605. It became to be hold a memorial service annually to admire Song Sang Hyeon who sacrificed himself for his country in the Japanese Occupation(1910-45).

After then, the name of Songgongsa was changed to the Chungnyeolsa by a proposal of Lee Min Gu in 1624 ( the 2nd year of the reign of King Injo ). The Dongnae Magistrate, Yun Mun Geo insisted that its location was not right because the shrine was too small, damp and noisy. Thus it was moved into its present location in Allak-li. After then a large shrine was built with halls and eastern and western room. It was called Allakseowon. The yearly memorial service was not held permitted during the Japanese Occupation.
The Japanese thought that it encouraged Korean Independence. A memorial hall and Sau(room to enshrine ancestral tablets) were left in disrepair during the Japanese Occupation.

The ancestral tablets of 91persons, who fell in battle in the Busan area, were enshrined. Now a memorial service is held annually on May 25 by the citizens of Busan. Chungryeol Shrine was first built in 1605 (the 38th year of King Seonjo) by Yun Hweon, governor of Dongnaebusa then, to honor Sir Song Sang Hyeon, governor of Dongnaebusa, who died fighting Japanese invaders. The shrine was initially located on the Nongju Mountain near the south gate of Dongnae-eup Mount Fortress and was called Songgongsa Shrine, which kept Sir Song’s spirit tablet. People pay him respect by holding a memorial service every year.
Yi Min Gu, a government official, requested the king to change the name of the shrine, and King Injo granted his request in 1624 (the 2nd year of his rule) and changed Songgongsa to Chungryeolsa Shrine.
In 1652 (the 3rd year of King Hyojong) Yun Mun-geo, governor of Dongnaebusa then, felt the shrine was too small and damp and was too close to the fortress gate, being subject to too much noise. Also, he felt that it was necessary to teach young scholars the scholarship and fealty of Sir Song Sang-hyeon, which would remain exemplary to future generations. Out of these necessities, the shrine was moved to the current location in Anrak-dong. After the shrine was newly built, two additional buildings were built in the east and west for the purpose of holding classes, and the shrine was subsequently renamed Anrakseowon (Anrak School).

But during the Japanese occupation, Japanese rulers felt that the memorial services held in February and August every year as well as the education given at the school fostered the national spirit, and the Japanese interfered with the shrine activities. Over the period of 36 years of Japanese occupation, the shrine building and the sanctuary building in which the spirit tablet was housed were not maintained but fell into disrepair.
During the period of purification from 1976 to 1978 of Japanese influence, the shrine was renovated to the current condition. Ninety two tablets of the forebears who died or who rendered distinguished service to their country during the Japanese invasion in 1592 in Busan are venerated on May 25 by Busan residents in a memorial service.

In 1592, Japanese soldiers attacked the Dongnae-eup Fortress, demanding that Sir Song Sang-hyeong let them pass through, meaning surrender. Sir Song threw a wooden board at the Japanese, on which his statement was inscribed, “It would be easier to die fighting than let you have passage.” and fought till death.
Cultural property : Busan Tagible Culturl Property No.7
Designated on June 26, 1972
Location : 838, Anrak-dong, Dongnae-gu, Busan
Telephone number : 051-523-4233
Website : cys.busan.go.kr

2013년 3월 12일 화요일

검정쌀 검정콩 녹두 조등 6가지로 만드는 거창까막국수

     검정쌀 검정콩 녹두 밀가루로 만드는 거창까막국수!!
     까막국수는 특이한 것이 많은 국수집입니다. 
     까막이라는 이름도 특이하다.  까맣다- 까망 - 까막 
      검은색 색깔의 갱상도 사투리가 까막이다. 

     찾아가기도 힘들어요.
     근처에 사는 사람도 한번 가봐서는 두번째도 헷갈리는 골목이다.
     지하철 2호선 망미역에서는 한참 걸어야되고
     토곡에서 수영가는 도로옆 부산은행 토곡지점을 찾아 200m걸어야 된다.
     승용차로는 코스트코에서 찾아 가는것이 빠른길이다.

     국수도 특화되야 장사가 잘된다고 기발한 아이디어도 다양하다.
     이집, 거창까막국수집도 그런 집이다.
     밀가루 만으로 뽑아낸 국수가 아닙니다.
     유명 국수집에서 사다쓰는 것이 아니라.

     이예 국수뽑는 기계를 설치하여 국수공장을 차려놓고
     연구하고 개발하며 국수 장사를 한다고 해야겠네요.  
     검정쌀,검은콩,등을 밀가루와 조합하여 만들어낸 영양가 많은 국수인가 봅니다. 

      까막 비빔국수입니다.  조금 맵싹하게 비볏습니다.
      아직 추운날씨라 콧등에 땀방울이 송글송글하도록 한입 먹으면, 육수 국물 한모금해야 됩니다.

    골목 안이라도 넓직한 주차장이 마음에 들었습니다.   외관은 보기도 건물이 친근감을 주는 그런 집이였습니다. 마당에 주차하고 내리자 마자,국수 건조하는 모습들이  웬지 친근감이 와 닫는 그런 집 이였습니다. 

안내해 주는 좌석에 앉은후 , 주인에게 양해를 구하고 국수공장부터 보게되었습니다.
한쪽방 탁자에 국수재료에 들어가는 원재료를 손님들이 볼수있게 해두었습니다.

             까막국수는 밀, 메밀, 녹두, 검은콩 , 조, 검정쌀
                                                   이런 종류가 레시피에 포함되어 국수 뽑는다고 합니다.
            영양가 높은 국수라고 봐야겠지요.

           매일 사용할 국수는 아침에 뽑는다고 합니다. 건조실에서 건조되고 있는 모습입니다.

                     국수 재단, 포장실입니다.
                    이집에서 사용도 하고 , 판매도 한 답니다.
                    한다발에 2,000원이라고 되어있습니다.

요즘 물가가 오르니 간단히 먹어야죠.  날씨가 추우니 따뜻한 온국수를 먹을까하다가 역시 국수는 냉국수가 좋다며   까먹 냉국수 , 옆치기는 까먹 비빔국수를 시켰습니다.
까막 비빔국수는 까막 냉국수보다 500원 더 비쌉니다. 아마 고추장과 채소가 더 들어가서 그런가 봅니다. 

          까막 비빔국수를 보싶시요 ?
          채소위에 김까지 얹어 줍니다. 푸짐한 채소가 아삭아삭 씹히는 맛이 상큼했어 좋답니다.

         비빔국수는 맵싹해야 된다며 벌겋게 비벼먹고 있습니다.
        상추,양배추,김이 양념장과 어우러져 묘한 색감을 만들어 내고 있네요.
        저는 콧등에 땀방울 송글송글 하는것 좋아하지 않아 물국수를 시켰답니다. 

     거창 까막 냉국수는옆사람이 시킨것입니다.   분명 국수이지만 색상이 까맣습니다. 밀가루에 검은콩,검은쌀등 검은색이 들어가고 메밀도 조금 들어갔으니  메밀국수도 아니요, 일반국수도 아닌 독특한 국수입니다.    냉면 마냥 쫄깃하고 찰진 면발이 좋았습니다.그리고  날씨가 조금 더워지면 아주아주 좋겠습니다. 

      국수는 한 젖가락  푹 찝어서 한입으로 쏙넣고 우물우물하면서 먹어야 제 맛입니다. 
      일반국수보다 쫄깃쫄깃하여 좀더 맛 있었습니다.                                 
  찾아가기 힘든 골목에 자리 잡고 있어도   맛이 특별하여 맛집으로의 조건을 갖추고 있으니 손님들은 어러운 길도 찾아 오는 집인것 같습니다.   맛집의 비결은 맛을 연구개발하고, 손님을 늘 귀하게 여길때 이루어지는 것이라 믿습니다.
          1> 상호 : 거창 까막국수
          2> 위치: 부산광역시 수영구 망미2동 405-17
          3>전화 ; 051-751-4334

2013년 3월 11일 월요일

House of Choichmpandaek in Hadong county kyengnam

Agyang Pyeongsa-ri, Hadong gun ,famous for the setting place of the great historical novel ‘Toji’ (written by Gyeung Ri Park), is the land favored from the Seomjin River. Sosangpalgyeong was sung of the beauty of Agyang and people are proud of the landscape filled with the Korean beauty of Dongjungho and Sosangpalgyeong of Agyang located in Pyeongsarideul.

chochampandaek  in pyeongsa-ri   Hadong

In Pyeongsa-ri known widely as the background of the great historical novel (Toji) written by Gyeong Ri Park that is a great epic poem of the Korean race from the Donghak Revolution to the recent history, it is planned to buy the land with the size of more than three thousand pyeong and to display the fourteen Korean buildings completed in the end of year 2002 and the legacy containing the life pattern of our nation in the latter part of the Joseon dynasty, and the 1st Toji Literature Festival that is a literature festival of the literary men was held here in November 2001.

 Moreover, it will become a literature village by holding the 2nd Toji Literature Festival in October 2002, creative poem writing classes, and literature classes. Moreover, characters of two heroes in the novel were developed and are being sold as the product for tourists.