2012년 12월 28일 금요일

따끈 따끈한 바지락 조개탕을 잘 끓이는 집 몽산포횟집

            태안에서 많은 사람들이 쭈꾸미하면
            몽산포를 떠올릴 만큼  쭈꾸미가 많은 곳이죠.

            포구의 이곳저곳에 쌓여있는
            소라껍데기가 쭈꾸미잡이 용도구들이라 합니다..

            비는 주룩쭈룩 내려 구경 나가기 힘들고
            몽산포항을 한바귀 돌며 낚시하는 사람구경
           어구 손질하는 모습 등을 보며 시간을 보냈습니다.

            보통때의 몽산포항은 낙조가 좋아 일몰 풍경을 담으려는
            사람들이 많다는데 , 오늘은 일기가 불순하여 그 사람들도 없었습니다.

            인근 마리나비치펜션이 숙소라
            저녁도 몽산포횟집에서
            아침도 몽산포횟집에서 먹었답니다.                 

               자가용으로도 좋지만
               버스를 타고 들어 오시면 몽산포항에 내리면 바로 바다를 볼수있어 좋습니다.

           바다가 훤히 내려다 보이는
           몽산포 마리나비치 펜션 2층이 잠자리였습니다.

              마리나비치펜션에서 자고
              몽산포횟집에서 바지락탕으로 아침식사를 합니다.

            전날의 피로를 풀어주는데는 시원한 국물이 최고죠. 
            시원한 바지락탕으로 해장겸 아침식사입니다.
            아침밥엔 바지락국이 참 좋다는 것은 새삼 말할 필요도 없죠.


             바지락에는 단백질이 풍부하며 철분, 비타민B, 칼슘이 다량 함유되어 있다.
             바지락은 된장국과 칼국수에 넣는 조개로 쓴다.
             그냥 바지락만으로 끓인 바지락탕은 시원함이  일품이다. 국물이 뽀얗 것이 간에
            좋다고 하는 바지락인다.


               쭈구미가 좋아하는 소라껍데기
            쭈구미는 소라껍데기를 자기 집으로생각하고 들어가는것을 좋아하나 봅니다.
            몽산포항에 쭈꾸미 잡이 소라껍데기가 산처럼 샇여 있는 것을 볼때
           이곳에서 쭈꾸미가 많이 잡힌다는 증거 입니다.

           여행지에서의 숙소는 저렴한 가격도 중요하지만
           주위경치가 좋아 아침일찍 산책하기 좋고
           아침을 맛있게 간단히 먹을수있는곳이 제일 좋답니다.

            몽산포는 어항이라 낚시배가 수없이 떠있고
            주꾸미 잡는 소라껍데기가 부두이곳저곳 쌓여있는 모습도 좋은 구경꺼리 입니다.
            날씨가 흐리고 안개가 많이 끼어 바닷가를 거닐며 시간을 보냅니다.

         1> 상호: 몽산포횟집
         2> 위치 : 충남 태안군 남면 몽산리686-6  몽산포항
         3> 전화 : 042-672-7141  / 041-672-2886  / 011-431-2886 

2012년 12월 22일 토요일

드라마 촬영지[ 폭풍속으로] 울진여행

울진하면 먼저 떠오르는 것이 울진대게다. 영덕에 선 영덕대게와 울진에 선  울진대게가 좋다고 서로 이야기 한다. 영덕대게나 울진대게 모두 동해바다에서 잡히는 것이니 같은 맛 아닐까 생각된다. 부산에서 울진까지 상당히 먼 거리지만 동해안 따라 올라가며 바다구경하는 재미가 있어 한번씩 드라이브를 즐기는 곳이다.

지난 늦여름에도 울진까지 다녀왔으며, 눈이 온 겨울에도 한번 다녀왔다. 죽변항을 둘러보고 드라마 촬영지로 유명한 『폭풍속으로』로 달려갔다. 몇번을 가도 붉은 지붕교회와 바닷가 언덕위 아름다운 셋트장건물은 아름다운 모습을 그대로 간직하고 있다. 눈이 쌓여 있는대나무숲 오솔길을 따라 등대까지 가지 못하고 큰 도로로 등대까지 올라 갔다.  1910년도 세워진 등대이니 참 오래된 등대다. 그러나 한일합방전에 세원져 대한제국 황실 상징 오얐꽃 문양이 있었다는데 지금 그자리에는 태극문양이 들어있다.

드라마 폭풍속으로 셋트장이 들어서면서 주위의 아름다운 경치와 잘 어울려져서인지 관광객들이 몰리지만 정작 그곳을 지키고 있는 죽변등대는 조연으로 밖에 되지 않는것 같지만 그 아름다움은 여전하다. 
 최초점등일: 1910년11월24일
* 위치: 경북 울진군 죽변면 죽변리 산1번지
*구조: 백8각 콘크리트건물로  높이 16m
*등질 : 섬백광 20초 1섬광 FIW 20s
*특징 : 죽변만은 국토의 중간 지점으로 용의 꼬리 형상의 용추곶에 등대가 위치하여 연안표지 역활을 하고있다.
*연락처: 죽변 항로표지 관리소 전화 054-783-7104 / 054-789-6921

죽변등대가 위치한 곳은 용의 꼬리라 하여 용추곶이라 부르기도 하며 지역주민들은 용태미라 부르며, 죽변등대가 있는 육지에서 바다까지는 암초가 깔려 있고 암초의 중간부분에 용소라고 부르는 곳이 있는데 용이 하늘로 승천 하였던 곳이라 전해 내려오고 있다. 조선시대부터 이곳에서 기우재를 지내면 비가 내린다고 한다.

호미곶을 제외하고 동해안에서 바다로 가장 많이 뻗어 있는곳이 죽변곶이다. 파도소리와 울창한 대나무 숲으로 둘러쌓인 이 곳에 죽변 등대가 우뚝 솟아있다. 죽변은 대나무가 많이 자생한다고 붙여진 지명이다. 특히 이 곳에 자생하는 小竹은 화살을 만드는 재료로 사용되어 조선시대에는 국가에서 보호하였다고 전한다.

 이 등대는 1910년 11월 24일 건립되었으며, 구내에는 1911년 일본국 수로부에서 설치한 수로측량 원표가 남아있다. 죽변은 우리나라 동해안 항로의 중간 지점에 위치하고, 울릉도와는 직선거리상 가장 가까운 곳이다. 등탑의 높이는 16m로 백색의 8각형 콘크리트구조로 되어 있으며, 불빛은 20초에 한번 반짝이며 약 37㎞까지 불빛이 전달된다.

 등탑은 2005년 9월 경상북도 지방기념물 제154호로 지정되어있다. 현재 등탑내부 천정에는 태극문양이 새겨져 있는데, 원래는 대한제국황실의 상징인 오얏꽃문양이 새겨져 있었다고 전한다.

등대 주변풍광 또한 무척이나 아름다워 2004년에는 이곳을 배경으로 SBS에서 ‘폭풍 속으로라는 드라마를 촬영하기도 하였다.

 그냥 내려올수없어 주변항을 이리저리 다니다가 한집에 들러 대게 3마리를 골라 점심을 하기로 했다. 전국 각지 음식점에 대게를 먹을수 있지만 본고장에서 대게한마리 먹고 와야 울진 여행하고 왔다고 할수있죠!

울진 붉은대게 통통한 왕다리살의 쫀득쫀득한 붉은맛이 눈에 삼삼한 후포항 한마음대게수산 [울진맛집]


       * 경북포항→7번국도(강원 동해 방면)→울진군 죽변면 (3시간소요)
  • 강원동해→7번국도(경북 포항 방면)→울진군 죽변면 (1시간 소요)

2012년 12월 11일 화요일

Busan museum introduce

                  Busan museum

Since its opening in 1978, our museum has grown oldwhen compared with other public museums in many places all over the country However, as time went by, the museum became inadequate to be a symbol of Busan which is growing into a global city. It became insufficient to be a pride of it's citizens due to its aged and limited facilities.

For this reason, in 2002, efforts were made to satisfy the citizens' desire for culture through new construction of 2nd exhibition building based on the relics that had been secured by means of excavations, donations and purchases, etc.

The remains collected and exhibited in the museum are important materials that show the character of history and culture of Busan from the prehistoric times to the present age. In addition to this, they are not only the evidences that shows us who we are but also the treasures that create the wisdom, revealing to us the path that we will proceed .

In the future, we will continue to make our museum achieve its function and roles as a comprehensive museum through collections, preservations, studies and exhibitions of traditional cultural materials related to our community. We will also runa program for a variety of educations and cultures that will satisfy the citizens. This way, we will make the museum as an open history and culture space that is favored by all of us.

By revitalizing the exchanges both home and abroad in various ways, we will also work diligentlyso that the museum may be the place matching its status of Busan, the largest port city in Northeast Asia.

    Prehistory Room
Because of its natural and environmental factor surrounded by water on three sides, Busan area began to be inhabited since the Late Paleolithic Period (20,000~15,000 B.C.), and there are many relics and remains related to this. Many kinds of chipped stone implements have been excavated from the Jwa-dong and Jung-dong historic site throughout the entire area of Haeundae, including stone axe, jjikgae, milgae, geulgae, stone blade, etc., which can be assumed to be the ones that existed around 15,000~20,000 years ago, we can see that Busan area began to be inhabited at least since the Late Paleolithic Period.

Around 12,000 years ago, the glacial epoch ended and the Neolithic culture began to develop. From around 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, the Neolithic people began to live in the Busan area, along the coast where abundant marine resources were available. They left behind shell mound, settlement sites and tombs, and various artifacts including comb-patterned pottery, fish spear, fishing hook, stone axe, shellfish bracelet and era ring, stone and bone tools, etc., and the typical remains are the Dongsam-dong Shell Mound and the Beombang relic, etc.

Around 3,000 years ago from now, the new cultural factors focusing on Mumun pottery and bronze ware and rice farming came into the Busan area from the northern area, the rice agriculture was introduced into the region bringing about the Bronze Period. The people of this period, dwelling on river banks and on hilly districts, left behind many relics related to farming, which include the housing sites of Banyeo-dong, Oncheon-dong and Nopo-dong as well as the dolmens of Gamcheon-dong and Gadeok-do and Jo-do shell mound.

Samhan/Three Kingdoms Room
Around the latter half of the Bronze Age, because of the inflow of iron culture from China, the Samhan society(B.C. 2C~A.D. 3C) began to be formed. From this time, Busan area came into a full-scale historical age, and the Dokro kingdom was established, which was one of the Byeonhan 12 kingdoms. As the typical relics of this age, there are Dongrae shell mound and Naeseong relic, and the tomb relics are located in Bokcheon-dong, Guseo-dong and Nopo-dong. As for the cultural phenomena in this age, there appeared new earthenware called wajil earthenware and the deotneol tomb as well as the various instruments and weapons made of iron material.


Facing the turbulent era when the use of ironware was generalized and wars were happening frequently, the small kingdoms of Samhan united allied with other neighboring small kingdoms or unified with them. The Dokro kingdom in Busan allied with Gaya kingdom located in the Gimhae area, becoming part of Geumgwan-Gaya, sharing the culture from 4th century to early 5th century. However, after the 5th century, as the Geumgwan-Gaya declined and Silla advanced here, the Silla culture became established. All the relics of Three Kingdom era known to this date are tombs, including the Ancient Tombs of Bokcheon-dong, Oryundae, Dugu-dong, Imseok-dong, Danggam-dong, Hwamyeong-dong, Deokcheon-dong, Banyeo-dong, Goejeong-dong and the Yeonsan-dong Ancient Tombs.

Unified Silla Room
Silla that had unified the Three Kingdoms began to execute the Ju Gun and Hyeon System by reorganizing the local government system in 685(5th year of King Sinmun) for the purpose of centralized authoritarian ruling. As the local government system has been organized, the social atmosphere got to be different from the time before the unification.

Busan, which was in the outskirts of the unified Silla was incorporated into Dongnae-gun, a part of Yangju, and named Dongnae in 751(16th year of King Gyeongdeok), which is derived from Chinese characters. In connection with Busan, some records and stories came to us, including a record that the Silla kings visited Dongrae hot spring several times and a story that Choe Chi-Won came to Haeundae to rest there, who was frustrated when his suggestion to reform the political system was rejected by Qeen Jinseong. During this time, as Buddhism spread, Beomeosa (temple) was built in Busan, too, where are still the 3 Story Stone Tower and Stone Lamp, etc. Beomeosa, one of the 10 Hwaeom-sect temples, is said to be initially built in mount Geumjeong in 678(18th year of King Munmu) and rebuilt in 830(10th year of King Heungdeok). Around this time, the first roof-tiled building was built, too. The relics of Unified Silla that remain in Busan include many items related to daily life such as earthenware kiln, etc.

Goryeo Room

After the unification of Later Samguk(Three Kingdoms) by Goryeo(918~1392), Busan became a remote place far from the center of politics. As a result, when compared even with the neighboring area like Ulsan, Yangsan, etc., Busan became politically neglected in the early Goryeo era. The Dongrae-gun, which was a Ju Hyeon where was a local officer dispatched from the central government even in the Unified Silla, lost its status early in Goryeo, being incorporated into Ulju(Ulsan) in 1018(9th of King Hyeonjong), and the Gijang and Dongpyeong hyeon that belonged to Dongrae-gun was incorporated into Ulju and Yangju(Yangsan) respectively.

But after the middle years of Goryeo, especially under King Uijong's reign, Busan produced many relatively important persons such as Jeong Seo who composed Jeong Gwajeong-gok, the Song of Jeong Gwajeong', gradually becoming an important area in politics. Also according to its geographical condition, its approximation to coastal areas and a large river, the importance of Busan gradually emerged struggling through the periods of Mongol resistance, Sambyeocho(three units of remnant resistant Korean soldiers) resistance, and the Japanese invaders domination on the southern and western coasts. Thereafter in Joseon Dynasty, it emerged to the front of history as a gate for entering into friendly relations with Japan.

Joseon Room

From the end of the Goryeo period to the early Joseon period, the damage caused by waegu was very extreme. Busan, very close to Daema-do, the stronghold of waegu was located in the most important place, responsible for the defense at the forefront. For this reason, a jin (barracks) and Gyeongsang-jwasuyeong(Naval Headquarters of Gyeongsangdo Province) were established in Busanpo in 1397(6th year of King Taejo), and it emerged as a very important city militarily.

And a waegwan(Japanese trading and living quarter), an equivalent to today's trade mission, was set up in Busanpo as an important gateway to Japan for Korean-Japanese diplomatic relations. The waegwan was also established in Dumupo and Choryang later. And Busan was also the origin of the trip of the tongsinsa (mission) that was regarded as a formal diplomatic mission dispatched to Japan. Therefore Busan in the Joseon period served as one of the most important points for diplomacy and trade

The Dongrae, which was the center of Busan area, had various kinds of government office buildings in Eupseong including hotels, Dongheon, etc. And close to Eupseong, there were many education institutions like Siseoljae, Dongrae Hyanggyo, Anrakseowon, etc., and it had the function as the center of administration and education.

Korea-Japan Relationship Room

As the Japanese pirates, who had been rampant since the end of Goryeo period, continued to pillage the southern provinces, the Joseon government opened three waegwan(Japanese trading and living quarter) in 3 ports (Busan, Jinhae, and Ulsan) so that they could buy the daily necessities without looting any more. In waegwan, a variety of facilities were built including wharf, hotel, warehouse, etc., and the number of Japanese people staying for a long period gradually increased. When the control over waegwan by Joseon was reinforced, the Japanese in waegwan, who were dissatisfied with this, gave rise to the Sampo War in 1510 under the assistance of the chief of Daemado.

Thereafter, small and big battles occurred repeatedly and the tension between the two nations was intensified, and finally the Imjinwaeran(the Imjin War) broke out in 1592, with Japanese troops invading Joseon. Busan suffered a lot of desctructions for a long time as it was the place invaded by Japanese army for the first time, or passage for the diplomats to hold the meetings for peace talks, or the place for the Japanese troops to remain, or the invasion route of Jeongyujaeran, etc. After Imjinwaeran ended, both countries normalized the diplomatic exchanges with each other, and waegwan was provided for the diplomats and merchants of Japan to exchange with Joseon counterparts. Late in Joseon period, waegwan was provided only in Busan. Various kinds of facilities were built in Busan, which were necessary for diplomatic relations and trades with Japan, many Japanese diplomats and merchants visited Busan. When Joseon diplomats went to Japan, they left for Japan from Busan.

The role of the chief of Dongrae, who controlled over Busan, got to be important, and the role of the following officials became greater, including Jwasusa of Jwasuyeong who was responsible to defend the coast in this area and the Cheomsa who ruled over each Jin like Busanjin, Dadaejin, etc.

Living Culture Room

The Dongrae market is a 5 day interval market opening on every 2 and 7, which is in the center of the village, where many kinds of goods produced in neighboring villages for trading in Dongraebu are gathered. The main product of Dongrae was a tobacco pipe. There were many handicraft manufacturing places to make tobacco pipes in Dongrae, and such tobacco pipes from those manufacturing places were distributed all over the country through the market day. The famous goods in such market included seaweed and hair tail of Gijang, wild edible greens of Cheolma, pear and hemp cloth of Gupo, melon of Yeonsan-dong, bamboo goods of Geumsa-dong, anchovy of Haeundae, sweet persimmon of Yangsan, vegetables of Gimhae and dropwort of Eonyang.

The Dongrae merchants who worked based on the Dongrae market place were the most prominent big tradesman throughout the country together with the Gaeseong and Uiju merchants. They had control over the market with large capital and strong system, leading not only the commerce in Joseon but also the trade with Japan. However, they were gradually squeezed out of the market after opening of a port with a central place of Japanese people being created, of which business district being expanded during the Japan’s colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula. Thereafter, the function of Dongrae market gradually decreased as its transportation service was inconvenient when compared with other markets.

Fork Room

The traditional folk culture in the Busan area have been carried on to today’s life of Busan citizens, but many of them have disappeared as the environment changed. Among them, some old artistic talents that are flower of folk ceremonies permeated with philosophy of life designated as intangible cultural properties for preservation and succession.

The songs that were sung in the sea while catching fish became the Jwasuyoung-eobangnori and Dadaepohurisori, and the song enjoyed while arduous farming in cooperation with one another became a folk game called Suyeongcheongnori. And the masque that is only in Busan, which prays for bountiful year and peace, Suyeong-Dongrae Yaryu was played. The Gutgeori rhythm and Deotbaegi dance became the base of folk games. The Gutgeori rhythm is free from short and rapid melody as if it reflects the thick line, the crude but easygoing character of Busan people, and the Deotbaegi dance is freewheeling only with standard big form.

The folklore of Busan has a dance rhythm that we can enjoy according to the beat having ties that can be fastened and loosened, leading the folk game to the peak. The folklore of Busan is the character that does not tolerate the illicit power as shown in the bitter satire of Yangban in the Deulnoreum.

Modern Times Room

Starting from the exclusive settlement developed immediately after the opening of the port in 1876, many facilities were developed to enforce colonial exploitation. Japanese people plundered the land and houses owned by the people of Joseon. The people of Joseon resisted the economical invasion in many ways, including the introduction of new education, revitalization of both modernization and national education, establishment of commercial system and banks, etc. But since the annexation of Joseon by Japan in 1910, the independent modernization by our people failed.

During the colonial ruling by Japan, they were gradually making Busan their colonial city through port reclaiming work, street planning, maintenance of road network and introduction of electric train, etc. In addition to this, they exploited the raw materials and labors by construction of modern industrial facilities. In the mean time, the Joseon people resisted the colonial ruling by Japan in many ways, including shouting for national independence, organizing laborer group for each industry as well as many kinds of social groups. The Imperial Japan violently oppressed the resistance of Busan people and fostered some pro-Japanese group to break up the Joseon people. The colonial education by Imperial Japan provided to achieve this purpose completely obliterated national education of Joseon to provide only their own education to make Joseon people as their own Emperor’s people.

Present-Day Room

The first 8 years from 1945 when Korea became independent from Japan’s colonial ruling to 1953 when the Korea War ended is a short period within the 5,000 years of Korean history, but its historical events imply that Korea was passing through a transition era which would last throughout the century. Before the overflowing excitement of liberation subsided, Koreans had to suffer a disruption by conflicting ideologies, a war, and then the fixation of the division of the land.

The division, unification, ideology and foreign power and others are the terms to which we are still accustomed, and those problems still remain unsolved. In the history of 8 years after liberation, Busan was in the center of changes. Our people felt firsthand the liberation of our own nation through the wave of repatriating people flowing into Busan port. In Korea War, which was the cause for the beginning of a full-scale division period after the chance to establish independent unified country came to an abrupt end, Busan was in the center of history, as the provisional capital and haven for the refugees who had gathered from all over the peninsula.

2012년 10월 31일 수요일

Oryukdo - gateway to busan Korea

oryukdo means five-or-sux islets, beacause dn a clear day dnly five islets can be seen but dn a foggy or tide-rising day , six are visible. THE Actual number of islets is six, and according to the distance from the shore, they are called Bangpaeseom (Shield isle) , Solseom ( Pine isle), Suriseom ( Eagle isle) , Songgotseom(Awl isle), Gulseom(Cave isle), and eungdaeseom (Lighthouse isle) .

In the greatest isle Gulseom, there is an immense cave with crstal-clear, pure drinkable water dripping from the ceiling . The islet most distant from the shore was originally called Batseom (Field isle ), but was renamed Deungdaeseom after a lighthouse was founded there. this group of scenic islets is symbol of the Busan, gateway to Korea.

2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Half -day tour - Busan city

Half-Day Tour course
Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Taejongdae and the unforgettable Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dreams
▶Tour: Taejongdae → Lotte Department Store (Gwangbok Branch) → Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dreams

1) Head to Taejongdae (at the entrance, use the Danubi Train in the park for a speedy tour)

* Attractions : Taejongdae, a park located at the southern tip of Yeongdo Island, commands magnificent views. The name Taejongdae comes from the fact that King Taejong Muyol of the Shilla Dynasty was fascinated with this scenic spot and made frequent visits to this area.  Don't miss the Tasjongdae Observatory, Shinseon Rock, Mangbuseok Rock, and the Yeongdo Marine Cultural Space, etc.

**Getting there :
Metro Line 1 (Orange), Nampo Station (Exit 6) → Take Bus 8, 30, 66, or 88 → Get off at the Taejongdae Terminus

2)Lotte Department Store (Gwangbok Branch) - Attractions include the water fountain,

food court and observation deck

* Attractions : There's a water fountain show here inside the mall. Apparently,  it takes place every hour on the hour, during the day.  Sit down and enjoy a coffee while watching the fountain show. From the observation deck on the top of the building, you can also enjoy a beautiful view of the harbor, along with the cool sea breeze.

** Getting there: At Taejongdae, take bus 8, 30, or 66 → Get off at the "Yeongdo Daegyo" bus stop.

3)Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dreams

*Attractions: The Sunset Fountain of Dreams, also called "The Dadaepo Fountain of Dreams", embroiders the sky of Dadaepo at dusk with cool spouts of water and colorful lights to the accompaniment of magnificent music.

 # Everyday except Mondays Musical fountain show schedule (April-October every year)
# Spring (April) Weekdays (Tuesday-Friday): 19:30 Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays: 19:30, 20:30
# Summer (May~August) Weekdays (Tuesday-Friday): 20:00 Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays: 20:00, 21:00
#Fall (September~October) Weekdays (Tuesday-Friday): 19:30 Saturday,
Sunday and National Holidays: 19:00, 20:00 (Apart from the musical fountain show,
regular fountain shows take place 5 times a day: at 14:00, 15:00, and 16:00, then again at sunset,
and finally right after the first musical fountain show)
# The fountain's schedule may change and be cancelled according to the weather,
so visit the website and check the schedule. Website: http://fountain.saha.go.kr/front2/phtml/index.php

 Dadaepo's Misical fountains
**Getting there
-From Nampo Station (Line 1): Come out at Exit 8. then walk down the street and catch Bus 11.
Ride for about an hour, and get off at the "Daewoo Apt" bus stop in Dadaepo. Walk down the hill a little,
and you'll see the beach straight ahead -From Daeti Station (Line 1): Come out at Exit 1. then take either
Bus 96 or 1000 to the "Daewoo Apt" bus stop in Dadaepo. This stop is right on the main road.

The beach is across the street. -From Dangni Station (Line 1): Come out at Exit 5,
take Bus 2 to the "Dadaepo Haesuyokjang" bus stop, and walk on down the street
(in the same direction as the bus is going) till you get to the beach. This way is a bit longer, though.

2012년 10월 5일 금요일

Busan International Film Festival World Cinema section ' Barbara' Film Information

The World Cinema section has allowed everyone to examine the general trend of non-Asian films of the year. This year, the section is filled with 74 films from 45 countries. A number of new works by the world-renowned filmmakers have been selected from Europe, where the nations with traditionally strong film industry are located. Among them, there are films presented or awarded at the world's three major film festivals, such as Michael Haneke's (France), Matteo Garrone's (Italy), Thomas Vinterberg's , the Taviani brothers' (Italy) and Christian Petzold's (Germany). There also are new works from the filmmakers like Jan Troell, Marco Bellocchio, Ken Loach, Volker Schlondorff, Olivier Assayas and Cristian Mungiu. France still ranks first in terms of the number of newly produced films, and Italian directors have been standing strong since last year. Vitality of German cinema is proven by the increase in the number of German films selected, as well as . European world premieres include Silvio Soldini's (Italy) and (Spain), characterized by its unique and mystical atmosphere.

 The international premieres include (Denmark), (Netherlands), (Finland), a comedy called (France) and a revisionist western (Poland). There also are works by new European filmmakers: (UK) and (Ireland). Meanwhile, a large number of high-quality independent films are produced each year in North America. Particular attention is required for two films having their world premieres in Busan, (Canada) and (Canada). Ben Affleck's (US), a Hollywood film produced this year, has been selected from the USA to provide a unique and enjoyable experience. In 2012, the most noticeable trend of world cinema is the remarkable growth achieved by the film industries in Central and South Americas. Such a growth is demonstrated by the Best Director Award won by Carlos Reygadas and the meteoric rise of young directors including Michel Franco and Andres Burgos Vallejo. In particular, this year's significant growth of Chilean and Colombian films will be witnessed with (Chile), (Chile) ? a unique western which will have its international premiere, or (Colombia). As for African and Oceanian films, (Morocco), (Kenya), (South Africa) and (Australia) will prove their directors' skillfulness in Busan. The World Cinema films describe diverse aspects of human life, sometimes from a serious and critical perspective and other times within the framework of a particular genre. These films, which will travel long distance to visit Busan, reflect the lives of our contemporary global neighbors and therefore be all the more interesting.

                             World Cinema sect. <Barbara> Film Information
                                 *  COUNTRY: Germany
                                 *Running Time:  105min
                                 * Color / Format : 35mm / Color

      <Barbara> is without doubt a masterpiece of Christian Petzold. His works share a distinctive style that the characters communicate their emotions through facial expressions and eye movement rather than dialogues. Barbara also demonstrates the psychology of Barbara who is planning to escape East Germany to West Germany through her face instead of lines exchanged between characters or events. Barbara set a plan to escape from the suffocating society of East Germany to West Germany. The first half of the film is filled with depiction of misery and sense of isolation that she feels living in East Germany. While preparing her escape, she meets Stella, a girl from a youth detention center who was forced to be hospitalized, and falls in love with a colleague doctor Andre. These people make Barbara’s decision changed. What if happiness is not in the land over the border but is what you create with people around you? Petzold does not plainly make his point. Instead, he wants the audience to look at Barbara’s situation in the scenes captured in long shot and hopefully empathize with her.

Born in Hilden in 1960, Petzold moved to Berlin in 1981, first studying German, literature and drama at the FU in Berlin, followed by studies at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin from 1988-94, during which time he was assistant director to Harun Farocki and Hartmut Bitomsky. Directing his first drama in 1995, his film <Die Innere Sicher-heit> (2000) received a Gold German Film Award. His films <Gespenster> (2004) and <Yella> (2006) have screened in the Berlinale’s Competition programme.

2012년 10월 4일 목요일

17th Busan International Film Festival opening film - Cold war

Here is a mole in the police waging a war on crime, tipping off a criminal gang. Then, why the mole communicates secretly with the gang? What is their purpose? Cold War talks about a story different from other typical crime films in the course of uncovering the inner enemy. It is difficult for the audience to predict what is the purpose of the mole and this is how Cold War announces the arrival of a new type of crime film made by young blood.

Five Hong Kong police officers are kidnapped. As the chief of police affairs is on business trip, two deputy chiefs, Sean Lau and M.B. Lee, set out to solve the case. They are in competition for the chief position and distrust each other. Lee first takes charge of the case as the acting chief but comes to a dead end. Lau, who then takes over the case, falls prey to a plot. The two end up being under ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) investigation. Although the case is solved after many twists and turns, war on crime still goes on. This film highlights the rivalry between Lau and Lee in the process of solving the case or how the case about external war is influenced by internal conflict. It is related to overconfidence, thirst for fame, and lust for power. In other words, this film closely looks into the conflict between human innate desire and conscience rather than the rivalry between good and evil. That is why Cold War is a well thought-out crime film and, at the same time, an excellent psychological film.

Leung is an award-winning Art Director/Production Designer, whose credits include (2009) and (2010), while Luk is a sought-after First Assistant Director

with over 15 years of experience on films like (2006) and (2008). is their passion project. With internationally renowned producer Bill Kong shepherding the project, Leung and Luk have gathered together an impressive ensemble to collaboratively create the most exciting police action film to come out of Hong Kong in recent years.
* Sunny LUK
Leung is an award-winning Art Director/Production Designer, whose credits include (2009) and (2010), while Luk is a sought-after First Assistant Director

with over 15 years of experience on films like (2006) and (2008). is their passion project. With internationally renowned producer Bill Kong shepherding the project, Leung and Luk have gathered together an impressive ensemble to collaboratively create the most exciting police action film to come out of Hong Kong in recent years.

DIRECTOR Sunny LUK / Longman LEUNG /COUNTRY Hong Kong, China / Date of Production 2012 / Running Time 102min / Color / Format DCP / Color

*BIFF Theater 10-04 19:00
* Haneulyeon Theater 10-05 19:30
* Megabox Haeundae M 10-08 10:00
* Megabox Haeundae M 10-11 19:00